London Chamber of Commerce & Industry
LCCI EFB Preparation
LCCI EFB in Dusseldorf
We prepare you effectively for the language exam LCCI EFB by means of subject-related topics.
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LCCI is the abbreviation for London Chamber of Commerce & Industry. The LCCI is the UK's largest Chamber of Commerce and Industry and one of the world's most renowned language education institutions.
The board of examiners of the London IHK is called LCCIEB - the abbreviation EB stands for Examinations Board. In addition to business and secretarial examinations, LCCIEB carries out foreign language examinations with a certificate in English.
Currently, the number of examinations performed annually by the LCCIEB in Germany is over 20,000 - more than 500,000 worldwide.
The total of 10 English LCCI exams are usually offered in 3 levels. The oral exams are optionally offered, in which the speech and listening comprehension of the participant is tested in a conversation with an examiner.
LCCI Certificates are highly recognized internationally and are highly valued by internationally renowned business enterprises for their recruitment and training of personnel. Even when applying to universities, public authorities, many educational institutions and commercial institutions, an LCCI certificate is very useful.
The LCCI EFB certificates are the most popular LCCI certificates in the world and are aimed at the examination of Business English. The LCCI EFB exam consists at each level of a prescribed written part as well as an additional voluntary part in which the oral proficiency of the candidate is examined.
The LCCI EFB certificates are aligned with the European Reference Framework (CEFR). An LCCI EFB exam is only recommended from "LCCI EFB Level 2", because only with this level is an actually applicable English level checked. This corresponds to levels B1 and B2 of the CEFR.
The EFB exam is available for five levels of increasing difficulty (EFB Preliminary Level, EFB Level 1 - EFB Level 4). At each level you can reach the following three rating levels.
50% correct: "pass" = pass passed
60% correct: "Credit" = Exam passed
75% correct: "Distinction" = passed exam with distinction
LCCI EFB Preliminary Level (Elementary)
This level certifies that the candidate has a practical basic knowledge of English (A1 / A2). The exam consists of a written and a voluntary oral exam. The written part consists of three tasks, which in turn query vocabulary, reading comprehension and text production.
The examiner can:
understand simple content with the help of a dictionary
Fill out English-language forms
Understand and execute simple work instructions
1st vocabulary
To illustrate a workplace, questions should be answered. The questions are partly in multiple-choice form and partly freely formulated to answer.
2. Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is tested through a dialogue between two people at a workplace. The reader analyzes the situation and then answers "right-or-wrong questions" and other simple questions.
3. Text production
The text production builds on the content of the reading comprehension task. The examiner should now send one of the dialogue partners a written message in a given document. Additional task is to take another information from a source, such as a price or a time from a list.
LCCI EFB Level 1
EFB Level 1 is for those who have some English conversational skills in their job and can basically communicate in English about professional issues. The exam consists of a written and a voluntary oral exam. The written part consists of four tasks, which in turn query text production, reading comprehension, content analysis and information transfer.
The examiner can:
Understand, interpret and further develop simple business texts
manage business communication on a simple level
to express oneself fluently with the help of given information
1. Text production
This is about dealing with a communication task, ie writing a letter or a memo in which a certain, predetermined information is conveyed. The letter should have a size of about 150 to 200 words.
2. Reading comprehension
It examines both general and selective reading comprehension, ie the ability to specifically capture and present important information. The source text deals with an economic topic.
3. Content analysis
A non-written source should be evaluated, eg a graphic or a table. Questions are asked about the source, which are to be answered very briefly and precisely. The examining board here assesses your ability to analyze English content.
4. Information transfer
The query is to transfer information from an informal text to a form. The source text can be, for example, an informal fax whose content the "employee" transfers into a form and makes it accessible to his colleagues.
LCCI EFB Level 2
LCCI EFB Level 2 is aimed at people who often correspond to English in their job and generally require very little support in dealing with the English language. The exam consists of a written and a voluntary oral exam. The written part consists of three tasks, which test the mastery of the text production, the communicative competence in the working world as well as the text processing in the English language.
The examiner can:
understand business-standard, written communication
fluent, differentiated and grammatically correct to express specific issues
choose the appropriate expression and form of expression for the situation
1. Text production
The participant is confronted with a business situation: he works for a specific company, which is briefly described and must write a longer text in the form of a memo, an article or a report. The candidate has the opportunity to choose between three different questions.
2. Communicative competence
On a fictitious request a reply letter should be written. Hereby, emphasis is placed on the customary layout.
3. Text editing
The examiner expects the task either to write a text based on information given in the form of a sticky note or to reproduce a given text passage in his own words. Tested is the ability of text synthesis.
LCCI EFB Level 3
LCCI EFB Level 3 requires a sophisticated, advanced level of English and a degree of work experience. LCCI EFB Level 3 is designed for people who speak almost exclusively English in their professional life or intend to work permanently in English-speaking countries. English-speaking universities require level 3 as entry-level competence by default. The LCCI EFB Level 3 exam consists of a written and a voluntary oral exam. The written part consists of four tasks, which test the mastery of the text production, the communicative competence in the working world as well as the text processing in the English language.
The examiner can:
Comprehensively capture and create complex longer texts effortlessly and fluently
Use idiomatic expressions of English business language
To empathize with a given business situation and to find the appropriate linguistic expression
1. Text production
A fictitious situation (customer inquiry, task of the supervisor) is to be reacted with a business letter, whereby the tone of the letter is given.
2. Information evaluation
An internal report is to be created. Notes, tables, diagrams or newspaper clippings are available to the candidate, which are evaluated and reformulated by him.
3. Reading comprehension
To a business text questions should be answered. It may be a press release, an excerpt from a journal, an annual report or a tender
4. Text editing
A given source should be reformulated. For example, the content of a fax message is to be processed into a memo or telephone conversation summarized.
LCCI EFB Level 4
Passing the highest EFB certificate requires very good native English language proficiency in Business English with relevant work experience. The exam consists of a written and a voluntary oral exam. The written part consists of four tasks that combine different skills for review: text production and reading comprehension, reformulation of information forms (memo to report) or the use of different writing styles (eg official style as opposed to loose writing style).
The examiner can:
Easily understand and reproduce complicated facts and diverse, authentic sources with subtle nuances of meaning
1. Reading comprehension + text production
The first part of the task tests the examiner's reading comprehension, for example, by answering several "right or wrong" questions to a longer authentic business text. In the second part, a text is to be produced as a written reaction to what has been read.
2. reformulate + information evaluation
In the first part, a synopsis or an excerpt of a longer text is to be created for a report. In the second part, an abstract, eg graphic, source is to be transformed into written text and commented on.
3. Styles + text production
The candidate has to prove that he has different writing styles (from colloquial to formal). The task may involve the processing of a topic on two different text forms, such as a short memo to a colleague and a press release for a trade journal. Similarly, the task could be to produce a formal report as a summary of a number of informal sources.
For the "warm-up" of the candidate, an introductory interview will be held with the examiner. Usually, questions about one's own person, profession or plans for the future are asked here. Subject of the actual oral exam is a pictorial representation for EFB Preliminary Level and Level 1. From EFB Level 2, the exam topic is no longer pictorial, but only given in writing.
In all examinations, an enclosed questionnaire serves both the examiner and the candidate as a guideline. The questions are only a suggestion of the examining board, in order to avoid lengthy pauses in speaking and need not necessarily be considered. </ p> Topics <p> The subjects of all oral exams are in the fields of commerce, transport, communication, education or tourism. Only the main part of the oral exam is judged, not the warm-up. In the foreground are the vocabulary, the listening comprehension, the fluent expression as well as the pronunciation and grammar of the candidate.